判断题原文:既要勒死他,快拿绳子来先勒死我,再勒死他。我们娘们儿不敢含冤,到底在阴司里得个依靠。译文:Better strangle me first, if you are going to strangle him. Let the two of us die together. At least I shall have some support then in the world to come, if all support in this world is to be denied me!’
判断题原文:全*省每万人中拥有科学家、工程师和在校大学生人数均居全国第6位。译文:The numbers of scientists, engineers and university students per 10,000 people in the province are all in the 6th place in China.
单项选择题从四个选项中选出最佳译文:原文:In reply to your enquiry of 7th June, 2008, I respectfully offer my latest quotation herewith.()
A.对于你们2008年6月7日的询问,我真诚地附上最新引文。 B.在回复您2008年6月7日的询盘中,随函我礼貌地附上我最新的报价。 C.回复您方2008年6月7日的询盘,我方真诚地附上最新报价。 D.兹回复贵方2008年6月7日来函,特随函奉上我方最新报价。
单项选择题从四个选项中选出最佳译文:原文:How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind!()
A.我曾多次见到他站在冬日的东风中,冻红了鼻子。 B.我曾在多个冬天看到他,他站在风中,冻得鼻子发紫。 C.在许多个冬日里,我都曾见到他,鼻子冻得发紫,站在飞雪和寒风中。 D.我曾在多少个冬日见过他,鼻青脸肿地站在风雪中。