单项选择题 Your IT department is building a lightweight Front C...
单项选择题 Whichelementofawebapplicationdeploymentdescriptorelementisre...
单项选择题 Given a Filter class definition with this method: ...
单项选择题 You need to create a JSP that generates some JavaSc...
单项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. The attribute name has a...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the Select and Place button. Place the events...
问答题 Click the ’Select and Place’ button. Place the ev...
问答题 Click the Select and Place button. Place the events...
问答题 Click the Select and Place button. Place the events...
多项选择题 You are building a dating web site. The client’s ...
单项选择题 You are building a web application with a scheduling...
多项选择题 Given a web application in which the request paramet...
单项选择题 You are building a dating service web site. Part o...
多项选择题 A web application allows the HTML title banner to b...
单项选择题 A web browser need NOT always perform a complete re...
单项选择题 Your company has a corporate policy that prohibits s...
单项选择题 Your IT department is building a lightweight Front C...
单项选择题 Whichistrueaboutthewebcontainerrequestprocessingmodel?()
多项选择题 Whichthreearetrueaboutservletfilters?()
单项选择题 All of your JSPs need to have a link that permits...
单项选择题 WhichensuresthataJSPresponseisoftype text plain ?()
单项选择题 You are building your own layout mechanism by includ...
单项选择题 Given tutorial.jsp: 2.EL Tutorial 3.Example 1 ...
单项选择题 WhichisabenefitofprecompilingaJSPpage?()
单项选择题 The JSP developer wants a comment to be visible in...
多项选择题 Whichtwoarevalidandequivalent?()
多项选择题 Inwhichthreedirectories,relativetoawebapplication’sroot,m...
多项选择题 Giventhatascopedattributecartexistsonlyinauser’ssession,wh...
多项选择题 Given in a single JSP page: Which two are true?(...
单项选择题 Whichinterfacemustasessionattributeimplementifitneedstobenot...
单项选择题 A web application uses the HttpSession mechanism to ...
单项选择题 Given an HttpServletRequest request and an HttpServlet...
多项选择题 WhichtwostatementsaretrueaboutusingtheisUserInRolemethodtoim...
多项选择题 Whichtwoarerequiredelementsfortheelementofawebapplicationdep...
单项选择题 Whichelementofawebapplicationdeploymentdescriptorelementisre...
多项选择题 Whichtwostatementsaretrueaboutthesecurity-relatedtagsinaval...
单项选择题 You web application uses a lot of Java enumerated t...
多项选择题 Whichtwoaretrueconcerningtheobjectsavailabletodeveloperscrea...
单项选择题 You are creating a content management system (CMS)...
多项选择题 Given: 3.public class MyTagHandler extends TagSuppor...
单项选择题 You have built your own light-weight templating mech...
多项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. A servlet sets a session...
单项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. A session-scoped attribute...
多项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. Assume the product attribu...
单项选择题 Whichdefinesthewelcomefilesinawebapplicationdeploymentdescri...
单项选择题 Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descri...
单项选择题 You have created a servlet that generates weather ma...
单项选择题 Given a portion of a valid Java EE web application...
单项选择题 A developer is designing a multi-tier web applicatio...
多项选择题 A developer is designing a multi-tier web applicatio...
单项选择题 A developer is designing the presentation tier for a...
多项选择题 WhichtwoarecharacteristicsoftheFrontControllerpattern?()
单项选择题 A developer is designing a web application that must...
单项选择题 A developer is designing a web application which ext...
单项选择题 A developer is designing a web application that must...
单项选择题 A developer is designing a multi-tier web applicatio...
多项选择题 A developer has created a web application that inclu...
多项选择题 You need to store a floating point number,called Ts...
多项选择题 Given an HttpServletRequest request: 22.String id ...
单项选择题 One of the use cases in your web application uses ...
单项选择题 A web component accesses a local EJB session bean w...
单项选择题 Given a portion of a valid Java EE web application...
多项选择题 Given: 11. 12.catalog 13. catalogTemplate.jsp...
单项选择题 WhichpathisrequiredtobepresentwithinaWARfile?()
单项选择题 After a merger with another small business, your co...
多项选择题 Whichtwofromthewebapplicationdeploymentdescriptorarevalid?...
多项选择题 You want to create a valid directory structure for ...
单项选择题 Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using th...
单项选择题 Given a Filter class definition with this method: ...
单项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. Given the web application...
多项选择题 Given: String value = getServletContext().getInitPa...
多项选择题 Forwhichthreeeventscanwebapplicationeventlistenersberegister...
多项选择题 Your web application uses a simple architecture in w...
多项选择题 A developer chooses to avoid using SingleThreadModel ...
单项选择题 WhichJSTLcodesnippetcanbeusedtoimportcontentfromanotherwebre...
多项选择题 You have been contracted to create a web site for ...
多项选择题 In a JSP-centric shopping cart application, you nee...
多项选择题 A custom tag is defined to take three attributes. ...
多项选择题 You are developing several tag libraries that will b...
多项选择题 Whichtwosecuritymechanismscanbedirectedthroughasub-elemento...
单项选择题 Whichsecuritymechanismusestheconceptofarealm?()
单项选择题 WhichbasicauthenticationtypeisoptionalforaJ2EE1.4complia...
多项选择题 Whichtwoarevalidvaluesfortheelementinsideaelementofawebappli...
多项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. Given the JSP code: 1....
多项选择题 Click the Exhibit button. Given: 10. 11.Produc...
单项选择题 The tl:taskList and tl:task tags output a set of ...
多项选择题 Whichtwodirectivesareapplicableonlytotagfiles?()
单项选择题 You are creating a library of custom tags that mimi...
单项选择题 WhichstatementistrueifthedoStartTagmethodreturnsEVAL_BODY_...
单项选择题 Assume the tag handler for a st:simple tag extends...
多项选择题 Given: 11. 16. Which three EL expressions, in...