Click the Exhibit button. A servlet sets a session-scoped attribute product with an instance of com.example.Product and forwards toa JSP. Which two output the name of the product in the response?()
A.${} B.<jsp:getProperty name="product" property="name" /> C.<jsp:useBean id="com.example.Product" /><%= product.getName() %> D.<jsp:getProperty name="product" class="com.example.Product" property="name" />
单项选择题Click the Exhibit button. A session-scoped attribute, product, is stored by a servlet. That servlet then forwards to a JSP page. Thisattribute holds an instance of the com.example.Product class with a name property of The Matrix andprice property of 39.95. Given the JSP page code snippet: 1. 2. 3. 4. costs What is the response output of this JSPpage code snippet?()
A.Default costs 0.0 B.Default costs 49.95 C.Default costs 39.95 D.The Matrix costs 0.0 E.The Matrix costs 49.95
多项选择题Click the Exhibit button. Assume the product attribute does NOT yet exist in any scope. Which two create an instance of com.example.Product and initialize the name and price properties to the name and price request parameters?()
A. B. C. D.