固醇激素进行的信号传导, 是一对一的, 即激素与受体结合即进入细胞核, 通过与特定DNA序列作用, 启动基因表达, 所以没有扩增。但离子通道偶联受体进行的信号传导, 虽然参与的组分不多, 但通道打开时间, 将进入众多的离子, 这本身就是信号放大。
问答题The basic structure of biological membranes is determined by the lipid bilayer, but their specific functions are carried out largely by proteins. Explain your answer.
判断题Because prokaryotic cells have neither mitochondria nor chloroplasts, they cannot carry out either ATP synthesis or photosynthesis.
问答题Discuss the following analogy(相似): “The differences between transporting a ligand by a channel or a carrier protein are like the differences between crossing a river by a bridge or a ferry(摆渡).
问答题EGTA chelates(螯合) Ca2+ with high affinity and specificity. How would microinjection(微注射) of EGTA affect glucagon-triggered breakdown of glycogen (糖原) in liver