载体蛋白运输物质时必须与被运输的物质结合, 如果是顺势则是被动运输, 如果是逆势则需要耗能, 自然是主动运输。如同一叶小舟顺江而下或逆水行舟, 耗力是不同的。 通道蛋白则不同, 如同小河中的桥, 它既不能阻止也不能推动行人过桥。
问答题The signaling mechanisms used by a steroid-hormone(固醇激素) receptor and by an ion-channel-linked receptor have very few components(组分). Can either mechanism lead to an amplification of the initial signal If so, how
问答题The basic structure of biological membranes is determined by the lipid bilayer, but their specific functions are carried out largely by proteins. Explain your answer.
判断题Because prokaryotic cells have neither mitochondria nor chloroplasts, they cannot carry out either ATP synthesis or photosynthesis.
问答题Discuss the following analogy(相似): “The differences between transporting a ligand by a channel or a carrier protein are like the differences between crossing a river by a bridge or a ferry(摆渡).