
(a) Gasnature is a publicly traded entity involved in the production and trading of natural gas and oil. Gasnature jointly owns an underground storage facility with another entity, Gogas. Both parties extract gas from offshore gas fields, which they own and operate independently from each other. Gasnature owns 55% of the underground facility and Gogas owns 45%. They have agreed to share services and costs accordingly, with decisions regarding the storage facility requiring unanimous agreement of the parties. The underground facility is pressurised so that the gas is pushed out when extracted. When the gas pressure is reduced to a certain level, the remaining gas is irrecoverable and remains in the underground storage facility until it is decommissioned. Local legislation requires the decommissioning of the storage facility at the end of its useful life. Gasnature wishes to know how to treat the agreement with Gogas including any obligation or possible obligation arising on the underground storage facility and the accounting for the irrecoverable gas. (9 marks)
(b) Gasnature has entered into a 10-year contract with Agas for the purchase of natural gas. Gasnature has made an advance payment to Agas for an amount equal to the total quantity of gas contracted for 10 years which has been calculated using the forecasted price of gas. The advance carries interest of 6% per annum, which is settled by way of the supply of extra gas. Fixed quantities of gas have to be supplied each month and there is a price adjustment mechanism in the contract whereby the difference between the forecasted price of gas and the prevailing market price is settled in cash monthly. If Agas does not deliver gas as agreed, Gasnature has the right to claim compensation at the current market price of gas. Gasnature wishes to know whether the contract with Agas should be accounted for under IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. (6 marks)
(c) Additionally, Gasnature is finalising its financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2015 and has the following issues:
(i) Gasnature purchased a major refinery on 1 January 2015 and the directors estimate that a major overhaul is required every two years. The costs of the overhaul are approximately $5 million which comprises $3 million for parts and equipment and $2 million for labour. The directors proposed to accrue the cost of the overhaul over the two years of operations up to that date and create a provision for the expenditure. (4 marks)
(ii) From October 2014, Gasnature had undertaken exploratory drilling to find gas and up to 31 August 2015 costs of $5 million had been incurred. At 31 August 2015, the results to date indicated that it was probable that there were sufficient economic benefits to carry on drilling and there were no indicators of impairment. During September 2015, additional drilling costs of $2 million were incurred and there was significant evidence that no commercial deposits existed and the drilling was abandoned. (4 marks)
Discuss, with reference to International Financial Reporting Standards, how Gasnature should account for the above agreement and contract, and the issues raised by the directors.
Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.
Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)



(a) The classification of a joint arrangement as a joint operation or a joint venture depends upon the rights and obligations of the parties to t......

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未分类题某汽车制造企业为增值税一般纳税人,2008年4月有关生产经营业务如下:(1)以交款提货方式销售A型小汽车30辆给汽车销售公司,每辆不含税售价15万元,开具增值税防伪税控专用发票应收价款450万元,当月实际收回货款430万元,余款下月才能收回。(2)销售B型小汽车50辆给特约经销商,每辆不含税单价12万元,向特约经销商开具了防伪税控增值税专用发票,注明价款600万元、增值税102万元,由于特约经销商当月支付了全部货款,汽车制造企业给予特约经销商原售价2%的现金折扣。(3)将新研制生产的C型小汽车5辆销售给本企业的中层干部,每辆按成本价10万元出售,共计取得收入50万元,C型小汽车尚无市场销售价格。(4)购进机械设备取得增值税防伪税控专用发票注明价款20万元、进项税额3.4万元,该设备当月投入使用。(5)当月购进原材料取得增值税防伪税控专用发票注明金额600万元、进项税额102万元,并经过税务机关认证,支付购进原材料的运输费用20万元(取得普通发票)、保险费用 5万元、装卸费用3万元。(6)从小规模纳税人处购进汽车零部件,取得由当地税务机关代为开具的增值税专用发票注明价款20万元、进项税额1.2万元。(7)当月发生意外事故损失库存原材料金额35万元。2008年4月该企业自行计算,申报缴纳的增值税和消费税如下:①申报缴纳的增值税=[430+600×(1-2%)+50]×17%-[3.4+102+(20+5+3)×7%+1.2-35×17%]=181.56-102.61=78.95(万元)②申报缴纳的消费税=[430+600×(1-2%)+50]×5%=53.4(万元)(说明:该企业生产的小汽车均适用5%的消费税税率,C型小汽车成本利润率8%)要求:根据上述资料,按下列序号计算有关纳税事项或回答问题,计算事项需计算出合计数:(1)根据企业自行计算、申报缴纳增值税和消费税的处理情况,按资料顺序逐项指出企业的做法是否正确。简要说明理由。(2)2008年4月该企业应补缴的增值税。(3)2008年4月该企业应补缴的消费税。