单项选择题Aclient’sCIOvalidatesthatIBMproposedvirtualization consolidationsolutionaddressestheirkeypainpoints.However,theCFOismoreconcernedwithriskmitigationasaresultoftheneweconomicenvironmentandhasdelayedthedealindefinitely.Whichofthefollowingstrategiesisthebestwaytoaddressthissituation?()
A.Modify the deployment schedule of the solution over an extended period of time to reduce the initial cash outlay.
B.Gain the CFO’s agreement to revisit the solution next quarter and follow-up with an aggressively priced solution.
C.Present financing options to the CFO showing how to implement the solution while minimizing the monthly cash outlay.
D.Meet with the CFO to demonstrate the financial impact of the solution to reduce operational expenses and TCO