

多项选择题 You performed a backup of the flash recovery area b...

多项选择题 Youconfiguredtheflashrecoveryareainthedatabase.Whichtwofile...

单项选择题 You enabled the flashback logging feature, but you ...

单项选择题 Youdecidedtochangethelocationoftheflashrecoveryarea.Youexec...

单项选择题 You executed the following query in your database: ...

单项选择题 You disabled the Flashback Database feature by using...

单项选择题 InwhichcasewouldyouusetheFlashbackDatabasefeaturetoperformar...

单项选择题 View the Exhibit and examine the Flashback Database ...

多项选择题 You are working on an Oracle Database 10g database...

单项选择题 OnTuesday,ajuniorDBAdroppedanimportantapplicationuseraccoun...

单项选择题 A data file became corrupted in your database due t...

单项选择题 EverySunday,consistentbackupsareperformedonyourdatabase.Be...

单项选择题 You are working on Oracle Database 10g, which is...

单项选择题 You are using Oracle Database 10g. The LOG_ARCHIV...

单项选择题 View the Exhibit. One of the important tables in t...

多项选择题 Your database operates in ARCHIVELOG mode and all th...

单项选择题 Your database operates in ARCHIVELOG mode. The redo...

多项选择题 Foranincompleterecovery,whichfourbackuptypescanbeusedbyReco...

单项选择题 Consider the recovery steps in each of the cases gi...

单项选择题 You performed an incomplete recovery on your Oracle ...

单项选择题 The current time is 12:00 noon. You want to r...

多项选择题 YourdatabaseisfunctioninginARCHIVELOGmode.Inwhichtwosituati...

单项选择题 You have only two redo log groups and these groups...

单项选择题 YourdatabaseoperatesinARCHIVELOGmodeanduser­managedconsisten...

单项选择题 Your database operates in ARCHIVELOG mode. User­manag...

多项选择题 You are connected to Recovery Manager (RMAN) withou...

多项选择题 You used the following command in Recovery Manager ...

多项选择题 In your database, all the tablespaces are locally m...

单项选择题 In your database, all the tablespaces are locally m...

单项选择题 The loss of the control file forced you to re­creat...

单项选择题 Youhavearead­onlytablespaceonread­onlymedia.Youwanttoperfor...

单项选择题 One of the tablespaces is read­only in your database...

单项选择题 YoulostthePRODSTDtablespace,whichwasread write.Thetablesp...

多项选择题 Younoticedthattheindextablespaceinyourdatabaserequiresarecov...

多项选择题 You lost the index tablespace in your database. You...

单项选择题 Youlosttheindextablespaceinyourdatabase.Youarenotabletouset...

单项选择题 In your database, online redo log files are multipl...

单项选择题 A user executes a query on the EMP table, which c...

多项选择题 Lastnight,amediafailurecausedthelossofatemporaryfilethatbel...

单项选择题 Whilesettingupthethresholdsfortablespacespaceusagemetricsfor...

单项选择题 Users are performing a large volume of inserts and ...

多项选择题 Intheparameterfileoftheproductiondatabase,theBACKGROUND_DU...

单项选择题 In your test database, you find that a user’s ses...

单项选择题 Theproductiondatabasehasbeenfunctionalforthelastsevendays.B...

单项选择题 The backup retention policy is configured as RECOVERY...

多项选择题 UsingtheLISTcommandinRecoveryManager(RMAN),whichtwopieces...

单项选择题 You executed the following command in Recovery Manage...

多项选择题 WhenperformingabackupusingRecoveryManager(RMAN),whichfour...

多项选择题 Your database is functioning in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Y...

多项选择题 View the Exhibit. You executed the following command...

单项选择题 View the Exhibit. You executed the following command...

单项选择题 You execute the following command to perform a backu...

单项选择题 You observe that the senior database administrator al...

单项选择题 In Recovery Manager (RMAN), you set the retention...

多项选择题 In Recovery Manager (RMAN), you have set control ...

单项选择题 You set the recovery window to seven days and the ...

单项选择题 You defined the Recovery Manager (RMAN) retention p...

单项选择题 An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following ...

多项选择题 An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following ...

单项选择题 Youwererecentlyhiredbyanorganizationasadatabaseadministrator...

单项选择题 Youhavetwolistenerprocesses,namedL1andL2.Boththelistener...

多项选择题 While creating a scheduler window using the DBMS_SCH...

单项选择题 In your production database there is a job, CALC_S...

单项选择题 Your business has departmental reports that are gener...

多项选择题 Inyourproductiondatabase,youhavemultipleresourceplandirecti...

多项选择题 You have created a resource plan, PROD_DB_PLAN, w...

单项选择题 You have created a resource plan, PROD_DB_PLAN, t...

单项选择题 You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and...

单项选择题 You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and...

多项选择题 You execute the following command to create two cons...

单项选择题 YouareusingResourceManagertomanagesystemresources.Whilecrea...

多项选择题 View the Exhibit and examine the Resource Manager se...

多项选择题 Inyourproductiondatabase,youobservethatusers’transactionsa...

单项选择题 From the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view, you find that som...

单项选择题 FromtheV$SESSION_LONGOPSview,youfindthatsomeofthedatabase...

单项选择题 YourdatabaseisrunningintheautomaticProgramGlobalArea(PGA)m...

单项选择题 In your production database you want to use an Auto...

单项选择题 YouhaveanAutomaticStorageManagement(ASM)instancemanagingth...

多项选择题 Youwanttomigrateyourexistingnon­ASMfilestoASMfilesforthedata...

单项选择题 YourproductiondatabaseusesanAutomaticStorageManagement(ASM...

单项选择题 You have a disk group, DGROUP1, with three disks...

单项选择题 You are using an Automatic Storage Management (ASM)...

单项选择题 Consider the following command to create a tablespace...

单项选择题 You are using an Automatic Storage Management (ASM)...

单项选择题 You are using an Automatic Storage Management (ASM)...

单项选择题 You want an ASM instance to manage the files of yo...

单项选择题 You have many users complaining about slow inserts i...

多项选择题 Users in your production database complain that they...

单项选择题 In one of your online transaction processing (OLTP)...

单项选择题 In your test database, you have created the ORDERS...

单项选择题 You are designing an application for a telecom compa...

单项选择题 Inyourdatawarehousingapplication,yougeneratereportsfrequent...

单项选择题 Whiledesigningyourdatabase,youhavecreatedtheEMPLOYEEStablea...

单项选择题 While designing the database for one of your online...

多项选择题 View the Exhibit and examine the properties of the ...

单项选择题 View the Exhibit and examine the properties of the ...

单项选择题 Youhavespecifiedthewarningandcriticalthresholdvaluesofanappl...

单项选择题 InanOracle10gdatabase,thein­memorystatisticsaregatheredat...

单项选择题 WhichtypeofPL SQLconstructwouldyouusetoautomaticallycorrect...

多项选择题 In your production database, you have observed that...