

单项选择题 You upgraded from a previous Oracle database version...

多项选择题 Identify three benefits of Unified Auditing.()

多项选择题 Your multitenant container database has three pluggabl...

多项选择题 On your Oracle 12c database, you Issue the follow...

单项选择题 A database is stored in an Automatic Storage Managem...

多项选择题 Which two are prerequisites for performing a flashbac...

单项选择题 You are connected to a pluggable database (PDB) as...

多项选择题 In which two scenarios do you use SQL* Loader to ...

单项选择题 Examine the following command; ALTER SYSTEM SET enab...

单项选择题 Which statement is true about Enterprise Manager (EM...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about Flashback Datab...

多项选择题 In your Database, the TBS PERCENT USED parameter is...

多项选择题 Examine the query and its output executed In an RDB...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about Oracle Data Pu...

多项选择题 Identify two situations in which the alert log file...

多项选择题 You Execute the Following command to create a passwo...

单项选择题 In your database, you want to ensure that idle ses...

多项选择题 Examine these two statements:Which three are true ab...

多项选择题 You want to flash back a test database by five hou...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about SQL plan direc...

单项选择题 Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains p...

单项选择题 Your database has the SRV1 service configured for a...

单项选择题 You are about to plug a multi-terabyte non-CDB int...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about the working of...

多项选择题 Examine the commands executed to monitor database ope...

单项选择题 Flashback is enabled for your multitenant container d...

多项选择题 The persistent configuration settings for RMAN have d...

多项选择题 In your multitenant container database (CDB) contain...

多项选择题 You have altered a non-unique index to be invisible...

多项选择题 You use the segment advisor to help determine object...

多项选择题 A warehouse fact table in your Oracle 12c Database...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true when row archival mana...

多项选择题 On your Oracle Database, you issue the following co...

单项选择题 You created an encrypted tablespace: You then closed...

多项选择题 Which three resources might be prioritized between co...

单项选择题 You find this query being used in your Oracle 12c...

多项选择题 You performed an incremental level 0 backup of a d...

多项选择题 Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains s...

单项选择题 Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a stand-alone server ...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true regarding the use of...

多项选择题 You create a table with the PERIOD FOR clause to e...

多项选择题 Which three activities are supported by the Data Rec...

单项选择题 What is the result of executing a TRUNCATE TABLE co...

多项选择题 A redaction policy was added to the SAL column of ...

多项选择题 You enabled an audit policy by issuing the following...

多项选择题 Examine the details of the Top 5 Timed Events in ...

单项选择题 You are connected using SQL* Plus to a multitenant...

多项选择题 Which three operations can be performed as multiparti...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true when the listener ha...

多项选择题 Examine the parameters for your database instance: W...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true about the Oracle Direc...

单项选择题 In your multitenant container database (CDB) with t...

单项选择题 You are required to migrate your dat...

单项选择题 You install a non-RAC Oracle Database. During Insta...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true about the RMAN validat...

多项选择题 Identify three scenarios in which you would recommend...

单项选择题 Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains a...

多项选择题 Which four actions are possible during an Online Dat...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true about Oracle Managed F...

多项选择题 You configure your database Instance to support share...

多项选择题 Which two partitioned table maintenance operations sup...

多项选择题 Which three tasks can be automatically performed by ...

单项选择题 A senior DBA asked you to execute the following com...

单项选择题 You are administering a database and you receive a ...

多项选择题 You administer an online transaction processing (OLTP...

多项选择题 Identify three valid methods of opening, pluggable d...

多项选择题 You executed this command to create a password file...

单项选择题 To enable the Database Smart Flash Cache, you confi...

多项选择题 You support Oracle Database 12c Oracle Database 1...

单项选择题 You execute the following commands to audit database...

多项选择题 You execute the following PL SQL:Which two statement...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about using flashback...

单项选择题 Your database is open and the LISTENER listener runn...

多项选择题 You execute the following piece of code with appropr...

多项选择题 You run a script that completes successfully using S...

多项选择题 You notice that the elapsed time for an important d...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true concerning the multit...

多项选择题 You use a recovery catalog for maintaining your data...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true concerning the Resource...

单项选择题 In your multitenant container database (CDB) contain...

多项选择题 Examine the contents of SQL loader control file: Wh...

多项选择题 Examine the following parameters for a database insta...

单项选择题 You have installed two 64G flash devices to suppor...

单项选择题 What is the effect of specifying the ENABLE PLUGGABL...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about Flashback Datab...

单项选择题 In your multitenant container database (CDB) contain...

多项选择题 Which two statements are true about variable extent ...

多项选择题 You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about adaptive SQL p...

单项选择题 Examine the parameter for your database instance: Yo...

多项选择题 You notice a performance change in your production O...

单项选择题 Examine the following query output: You issue the f...

多项选择题 An administrator account is granted the CREATE SESSIO...

单项选择题 Your database supports an online transaction processin...

单项选择题 You are about to plug a multi-terabyte non-CDB int...

多项选择题 You are planning the creation of a new multitenant ...

单项选择题 You conned using SQL Plus to the root container of...

单项选择题 An application accesses a small lookup table frequent...

多项选择题 You upgraded your database from pre-12c to a mult...

多项选择题 Which three statements are true about Automatic Workl...