

单项选择题 火()

单项选择题 封闭舱室()

单项选择题 每月一次()

单项选择题 发警报()

单项选择题 抛救生圈()

单项选择题 关闭防火门()

单项选择题 alarm()

单项选择题 smoke helmet()

单项选择题 fire hose ()

单项选择题 man overboard()

单项选择题 lifesaving()

单项选择题 embarkation ladder()

单项选择题 engine room()

单项选择题 portable extinguisher()

单项选择题 fire mask()

单项选择题 at intervals of…()

单项选择题 inflatable life-raft()

单项选择题 first aid kit()

单项选择题 ID card()

单项选择题 send rescue signal()

单项选择题 SOPEP()

单项选择题 degreaser()

单项选择题 broom()

单项选择题 Any emergency pump situated outside ()(机舱)should...

单项选择题 Fire drill is ()(执行)once a month.

单项选择题 The muster station is usually on ()(艇甲板).

单项选择题 Carry ()(手提灭火器)to the fire place.

单项选择题 Start the ()(吊艇机).

单项选择题 Embark on the ()(登艇甲板).

单项选择题 Start the ()(艇机), drive the boat from the shi...

单项选择题 Chief, the ()(灭火队)is ready.

单项选择题 Clean up the fire ()(地点).

单项选择题 We are going to carry out an a ()(应急演习).

单项选择题 Put on ()(艇底塞) and hand the fender and the b...

单项选择题 ()(解开) the fore and aft ropes.

单项选择题 Collect oil with ()(油桶).

单项选择题 ()(放低) the embarkation ladder.

单项选择题 ()(除了) the fire drill, there are also boat dr...

单项选择题 At each drill a different person should be in ()...

单项选择题 Water is used to put out ()(普通火).

单项选择题 The boat drill is finished. You are ()(解散).

单项选择题 Please remind everyone to ()(加强) the sense of ...

单项选择题 All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .

单项选择题 The ()(应变部署表)is posted in public places in d...

单项选择题 It may be ()(补充)by individual cards issued to ...

单项选择题 The signals that will be used for emergency should ...

单项选择题 Close all fire doors and use the ()(干粉灭火器).

单项选择题 The air is ()(有毒的).

单项选择题 The ship is ()(搁浅).

单项选择题 ()(拉响) the alarm immediately.

单项选择题 Proceed to your ()(集合地点).

单项选择题 Put on your ()(救生衣).

单项选择题 Prevent ()(油) overboard

单项选择题 Post two lookouts with ()(望远镜).

单项选择题 Prepare for ()(弃货) cargo.

单项选择题 There is a smell of gas in the hold. You must we...

单项选择题 The emergency alarm is sounded on ()(汽笛) accord...

单项选择题 Close the port side ()(通风口) .

单项选择题 Send a fire ()(火势探测员) to see the situation ...

单项选择题 Where do you post your ()(火势控制图)?

单项选择题 Second Officer, give one ()(长声).

单项选择题 ()(所有船员) must know the locations as well as ...

单项选择题 ()(停顿) for a while when the boat leaves the s...

单项选择题 I’m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. Th...

单项选择题 You will extinguish a fire when you remove ().

单项选择题 Oil fires are best extinguished by ().

单项选择题 ()are used for lifesaving .

单项选择题 During a fire drill on a vessel, what action is r...

单项选择题 We should take ()to keep the chemicals away from ...

单项选择题 Who maintains the fire-fighting and life-saving appa...

单项选择题 I’m having ()around the ship.

单项选择题 NO.2 lifeboat is located on ()side.

单项选择题 Lifeboat launching is operated ().

单项选择题 Who is in charge of oil spilling ? ()

单项选择题 A fire extinguisher is used for ()fires.

单项选择题 The foam extinguisher should be used ().

单项选择题 Are all hoses and equipment ready()?

单项选择题 Water is used to put out ().

单项选择题 Never extinguish oil and electrical fires with ().

单项选择题 Bring your immersion suit. Meet in front of the (...

单项选择题 The station lists are posted ()on board a ship.

单项选择题 For the duties assigned in the muster list, ().

单项选择题 In case of fire, ().

单项选择题 Man overboard! ().

单项选择题 There is a smell of gas in the hold. You must we...

单项选择题 The life-jacket is usually put ()in your cabin.

单项选择题 The emergency alarm is sounded on ()according to m...

单项选择题 ()should be saved first in an accident.

单项选择题 () must know the location as well as the operatio...

单项选择题 If there is a fire in a hold, what should you do...

单项选择题 ()the moving parts on the davit of the lifeboat.

单项选择题 When a ship is abandoned, all of the crew members...

单项选择题 Several sand boxes need ().

单项选择题 Seven short blasts continued for one minute means (...

单项选择题 For the duties ()in one emergency, one person may...

单项选择题 Water can put out common fires, such as ().

单项选择题 Take ()of hydrants, fire hoses and nozzles.

单项选择题 Detach the fore and aft side hooks, ()the fore a...

单项选择题 Make ()the fore rope and lay out the embarkation ...

单项选择题 “In no time” means().