单项选择题 A company is consolidating four IBM System x servers...
单项选择题 WhatisusedtogatherinformationonaWindowshostthatwillbeusedfor...
单项选择题 Acustomer RFP requires installation of an open system...
单项选择题 A customer has a storage requirement for a mixed IB...
单项选择题 A customer with a small IT budget has one data cen...
单项选择题 A customer wants to directly attach five servers to...
单项选择题 A customer has an IBM System Storage DS8100 and...
单项选择题 A customer wants to consolidate storage from four IB...
单项选择题 A bank has requested proposals for a storage solutio...
单项选择题 A customer has requested an IBM System Storage DS8...
单项选择题 AnIBMSystemStorageDS8300isbeinginstalledataglobalcorpora...
单项选择题 Acustomer has requested an IBM System Storage DS83...
单项选择题 The Business Partner technical specialist is called t...
单项选择题 WhatisonereasonthecustomershouldinstallIBMSystemStorageDS8...
单项选择题 A customer using an IBM System Storage DS8300 is...
单项选择题 A customer recently installed new SAN with an IBM S...
单项选择题 A customer SAN environment has undergone significant ...
单项选择题 A customer wants to collect performance data from a...
单项选择题 A company has acquired another company and is consol...
单项选择题 A customer has purchased three IBM System Storage DS...