名词解释什么是广厅 concourse; 广厅 concourse名词解释定义是什么?
名词解释什么是高架跨线候车室 elevated track-crossing waiting room; 高架跨线候车室 elevated track-crossing waiting room名词解释定义是什么?
名词解释什么是线下式站房 the passenger building is located below the platform; 线下式站房 the passenger building is located below the platform名词解释定义是什么?
名词解释什么是特大型站房 especially big passenger building; 特大型站房 especially big passenger building名词解释定义是什么?
名词解释什么是大型站房 larger passenger building; 大型站房 larger passenger building名词解释定义是什么?