
We use very little energy to maintain a fat store, _____a protein store needs a lot.
B.in contrast to
C.on the other hand




未分类题By the early 1950s, some business people began to recognize that efficient production and extensive promotion did not guarantee that customers would buy products. These businesses, and many others, found that they must first determine what customers want and then produce it, rather than make products and try to change customers needs to fit what is expected. As more organizations realized the importance of knowing customers needs, U. S. businesses entered the marketing era, one of market or customer orientations(取向, 方向). Orientation toward customer satisfaction has resulted in increased concern about ethics and social responsibility and brought about an expansion into global markets. Management at many organizations has realized that we are in the 'Total Quality Era', in which improved product quality, and customer focus are major components of successful domestic and global operations. Because the marketing concept affects many parts of a businesss operations, and not just marketing, an organizations top management must adopt it wholeheartedly. High-level executives must incorporate the market orientation into their management philosophies so completely that customers become the organizations most important concern. Managements second major task is to restructure the organization. To satisfy customers objectives as well as its own, a company must coordinate all activities. To achieve this, the internal operations and overall objectives of one or more departments may need restructuring. If the head of the marketing unit is not a member of the organizations top-level management, he or she should be. Some departments may have to be abolished and new ones created. Implementing(实施, 执行)the marketing concept demands the support not only of top management, but also of managers and staff at all levels. The transformation to an organization with a market orientation takes time. In the short run, a firm may experience the need to retain employees, financial constraints, limits on technology, capital equipment limitations, and prohibitive union work rules. Even when an information system is established and the company reorganized, the firms new marketing approach may not work perfectly. First, a firms ability to satisfy customers needs for a particular product is limited. In a mass production economy, most business organizations cannot tailor products to fit the exact needs of each customer. Second, a company may be unable to learn what customers want, and when it does correctly identify customers needs, it often has a hard time developing a product that satisfies those needs. Third, by striving to satisfy one segment(部分,部门)of society, a firm sometimes dissatisfies other segments. Producers of tobacco currently face this situation. Fourth, a company may have trouble maintaining employee morale during any restructuring to coordinate the activities of various departments.By the early 1950s, business people began to realize______.A.the importance of efficient productionB.the necessity of extensive promotionC.the need to try to change customers' needsD.the significance of knowing customers' needs


未分类题From the beginning, migration has been one of the most conspicuous features of human history. Humanity did not appear simultaneously all over the earth but, according to the current scientific consensus, first evolved in Africa, and from there spread far and wide. Even after mankind had populated most of the planet, migration continued to play a decisive role in history down the centuries, as people contended for territory and the resources that go with it. In many of historys biggest movements of people, the migrants were not volunteers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, 15 million people were taken as slaves from Africa and shipped to Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. In the 19th century, between 10 and 40 million indentured workers (契约工人,苦力) were sent in vast numbers around the world, mainly from China and India. The 20th centurys wars in Europe and Asia displaced millions more. But perhaps the most intense episode of migration-under-duress (强迫) in modern times occurred after the partition of India in 1947, when 7 million Muslims fled India for the new state of Pakistan and 7 million Hindus fled in the opposite direction. As individuals, not merely as members of races or religions in flight, people have always traveled in search of a better life. Between the middle of the 19th century and the start of the second world war, 60 million people left Europe and move overseas to the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Much of this movement was guided by economic calculation. Most modern migration is of this kind, though nowadays the pull is high wages rather than cheap land. For the 19th century or so, the pattern of migration has shifted a good deal, with changes in government policy playing a key role. Until 1914 governments imposed almost no controls. This allowed the enormous 19th-century movement of migrants from Europe to North America. Between 1914 and 1945, partly reflecting security concerns, migration was curtailed. Many countries excluded immigrants. Americas Congress passed laws aiming to preserve the countrys racial and religious make-up. After 1945 came another great change. Many European countries faced labor shortages. Governments actively recruited immigrants for jobs in their expanding industries. Migration surged again, now not mainly from Europe to North America but from the developing countries to the rich ones. The next big change came in the 1970s. The rich countries were no longer growing quickly and struggling with labor shortages. Recession came to Europe and America, and immigration rules were tightened again. This more restrictive regime continues to apply.In human history, people migrated because of all of the following EXCEPT______.A.their fight for territory and resourcesB.their religious beliefsC.their racesD.their sexes