
One survey indicated each American household averaged______of daily television usage in 1979 than 1978.
A.more than sixteen minutes
B.more minutes than sixteen
C.as many as sixteen minutes
D.sixteen more minutes




未分类题From the beginning, migration has been one of the most conspicuous features of human history. Humanity did not appear simultaneously all over the earth but, according to the current scientific consensus, first evolved in Africa, and from there spread far and wide. Even after mankind had populated most of the planet, migration continued to play a decisive role in history down the centuries, as people contended for territory and the resources that go with it. In many of historys biggest movements of people, the migrants were not volunteers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, 15 million people were taken as slaves from Africa and shipped to Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. In the 19th century, between 10 and 40 million indentured workers (契约工人,苦力) were sent in vast numbers around the world, mainly from China and India. The 20th centurys wars in Europe and Asia displaced millions more. But perhaps the most intense episode of migration-under-duress (强迫) in modern times occurred after the partition of India in 1947, when 7 million Muslims fled India for the new state of Pakistan and 7 million Hindus fled in the opposite direction. As individuals, not merely as members of races or religions in flight, people have always traveled in search of a better life. Between the middle of the 19th century and the start of the second world war, 60 million people left Europe and move overseas to the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Much of this movement was guided by economic calculation. Most modern migration is of this kind, though nowadays the pull is high wages rather than cheap land. For the 19th century or so, the pattern of migration has shifted a good deal, with changes in government policy playing a key role. Until 1914 governments imposed almost no controls. This allowed the enormous 19th-century movement of migrants from Europe to North America. Between 1914 and 1945, partly reflecting security concerns, migration was curtailed. Many countries excluded immigrants. Americas Congress passed laws aiming to preserve the countrys racial and religious make-up. After 1945 came another great change. Many European countries faced labor shortages. Governments actively recruited immigrants for jobs in their expanding industries. Migration surged again, now not mainly from Europe to North America but from the developing countries to the rich ones. The next big change came in the 1970s. The rich countries were no longer growing quickly and struggling with labor shortages. Recession came to Europe and America, and immigration rules were tightened again. This more restrictive regime continues to apply.In human history, people migrated because of all of the following EXCEPT______.A.their fight for territory and resourcesB.their religious beliefsC.their racesD.their sexes

未分类题A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been told that it would be a criminal offence to sell thousands of tubes of toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print giving the firm importing it does not include the letters 'UK'. Under cosmetics regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the address is London, which is 'a major city', the letters UK must be added. The suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgerss A2Z chain asked them to take back the toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysterious requirements of cosmetic labelling when summoned by East Yorkshire trading standards officials on a criminal charge of selling tubes of the same brand of toothpaste, Mentadent, designed for the South African market. These carried the name of a German distributor but no UK supplier. The council had no complaint about the toothpaste itself. It is common and legal practice for supermarkets and discount stores to buy up a wide range of branded products packaged by leading European and American manufacturers for non-EU markets. These can then be sold at prices lower than those recommended for identical products in Europe, which are only more expensive because EU consumers can supposedly afford to pay more. Council officials were quick to point out that they support the contribution this gray economy makes to 'healthy competition'. The only problem was that importers details must be given by the regulation formula. For a major city such as London only a postcode is necessary, but for other cities and towns the letters UK must be added. When A2Z asked how it was expected to examine the small print on the labelling of each of 10 000 products it carries, East Yorkshire replied that it was up to the firm to improve the quality of their inspection procedures. A2Z then supplied the council three weeks running with examples of similar products carrying 'illegal labelling', bought from major supermarkets in the same area, asking why these large firms were not also prosecuted. The council said it 'did not have the resources' to chase up every case of illegality, to which Mr. Rodgers responded that he 'did not have the resources' to improve the quality of their inspection procedures, which the council was asking of him. Last week his firms case was adjourned.Why did Gordon Rodgerss A2Z chain have trouble with East Yorkshire Council?A.They sold fake product.B.They sold stolen goods.C.The product they sold was incorrectly labelled.D.They were not licensed to sell this product.