单项选择题PC Ian McQueen on the same night said he was told:“Mind your own _____,cops.Keep out of it.We will settle these niggers our way.We'll murder the bastards.”
单项选择题PC Richard Bedford said he had seen a mob of 300 to 400 white people in Bramley Road _____:“We will kill all black bastards.Why don't you send them home?”
单项选择题The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobs—at one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_____ homes and attacking any West Indian they could find.
单项选择题She was pelted with stones,glass and wood,and _____ in the back with an iron bar as she tried to get home.
单项选择题Among the _____ was Majbritt Morrison ,a young white Swedish bride of a Jamaican.