单项选择题A.He likes to do things with his own hands.B.He wants to make things easier for Paul.C.His house was in a very bad state when he bought it.D.He wants to save money.
单项选择题A.The trip was worth the time but not the money.B.The trip was worth the money but not the time.C.The trip was a waste of time and money.D.The trip was not a waste of time or money.
单项选择题A.Ann didn t run fast enough to catch the bus. Therefore she missed the class.B.Ann ran very fast but she still missed the class.C.Ann missed the bus and was late for class even though she hurried.D.Ann didn t run so she missed the bus.
单项选择题A.The third finger is the lucky finger.B.The third finger is the middle finger.C.The third finger is supposed to be linked to the heart.D.The third finger is a symbol of lasting affection.
单项选择题A.The man is not satisfied with the speed Miss Jenkins types.B.The man is hesitating whether to accept Miss Jenkins or not.C.The man does not think Miss Jenkins is qualified.D.The man will probably recommend Miss Jenkins to the general manager,