
These are tough times for Wal-Mart, America’s biggest retailer. Long accused of wrecking small-town America and condemned for the stinginess of its pay, the company has lately come under fire for its meanness over employees’ health-care benefits. The charge is arguably unfair: the finn’s health coverage, while admittedly less extensive than the average for big companies, is on a par with other retailers’. But bad publicity, coupled with rising costs, has stirred the Bentonville giant to action. Wal-Mart is making changes that should shift the ground in America’s health-care debate.
One strategy is to slash the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. Wal-Mart recently announced that its Florida stores would sell a list of some 300 generic drugs at $4 for a month’s supply; other states will follow. That is above cost but far less than the prices charged by many pharmacy chains, which get profits from fat margins on generics.
Wal-Mart’s critics dismiss the move as a publicity stunt. The list of drugs includes only 143 different medicines and excludes many popular generics. True, hut short-sighted. Wal-Mart has transformed retailing by using its size to squeeze suppliers and passing the gains on to consumers. It could do the same with drugs. Target, another big retailer, has already announced that it will match the new pricing. A"Wal-Mart effect" in drugs will not solve America’s health-costs problem: generics account for only a small share of drug costs, which in turn make up only 10% of overall health spending. But it would help.
The firm’s other initiative is more controversial. Wal-Mart is joining the small but fast-growing group of employers who are controlling costs by shifting to health insurance with high deductibles.
From January 1st new Wal-Mart employees will only be offered insurance with very low premiums (as little as $11 a month for an individual) but rather high deductibles (excesses): an individual must pay at least the first $1,000 of annual health-care expenses, and on a family plan, the first $3,000. Unusually, Wal-Mart’s plan includes three doctor visits and three prescription drugs before the big deductible kicks in. Since most employees go to the doctor less often than that, the company argues, they will be better off because of the lower premiums. That may be true for the healthy, say critics; sicker workers will see their health costs soar.
This debate, writ large, is the biggest controversy in American health care today. The Bush administration has been pushing high-deductible plans as the best route to controlling health costs and has encouraged them, with tax-breaks for health-saving accounts. The logic is appealing. Higher deductibles encourage consumers to become price-conscious for routine care, while insurance kicks in for catastrophic expenses.
Early evidence suggests these plans do help firms control the cost of health insurance. But critics say that the savings are misleading. They argue that the plans shift costs to sicker workers, discourage preventative care and will anyway do little to control overall health spending, since most of the $2 trillion (a sixth of its entire GDP) that America spends on health care each year goes to people with multiple chronic diseases.
For the moment, relatively few Americans are covered bv these" consumer-directed"plans. But they are becoming increasingly popular, especially among firms employing low-skilled workers. And now America’s biggest employer has joined the high-deductible trend. That is bound to have an impact.
According to the passage, the health-care benefits of Wal-Mart

A. are to be increased greatly due to others’ accusation.
B. started to incur much criticism a long time ago.
C. are at the same level as those of other retailers.
D. will be in line with the rising costs of the commodities.

单项选择题According to the first paragraph, the author wants to tell us that______.A. educational standards that would combine academic and vocational objectivesB. educational standards that would separate academic and vocational curriculumsC. there exists the educational standards argumentation on the combination or separation of the academic and vocational objectivesD. colleges and universities perform such a wide variety of roles

Admissions standards at colleges and universities have become controversial among educators and students alike. Although some institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada have highly selective admissions standards, others admit virtually any high school graduate able to meet minimum academic requirements. Many educators feel that every student should complete high school and that everyone desiring access to higher education should have an opportunity to pursue a college degree. However, critics of loose admissions standards argue that admitting large numbers of students who are academically unprepared for a college education often compromises the quality of the institution. Moreover, from the 1970s to the 1990s grade point averages have risen steadily at nearly all U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, causing many educators and even some students to complain that acaidemic standards are too low.
Since passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, colleges and universities in the United States have carried out debates over affirmative action policies intended to diversify the racial composition of students and faculty. These policies influence student admission guidelines, financial aid distribution, and faculty hiring procedures by giving some preference to minority groups. In the 1990s several judicial decisions began to abolish affirmnative action programs at state-controlled universities. These decisions also imposed legislation to prohibit race-based preferences in college admissions, financial aid, and hiring. These decisions have far-reaching consequences and potentially impactthe efforts of all colleges and universities to achieve racial diversity while consistent with the law.
In addition to calls for a more diverse student body and faculty, many educators and students advocate a more diverse Undergraduate curriculum at colleges and universities. Arguing that traditional college curriculums focus too much on the history and culture of white males, they advocate a more multicultural curriculum that does not ignore women and minority cultures. Others argued that advocates of a multicultural curriculum are constrained by their own narrow ideo logical perspectives, and that they do not like the traditional moral, intellectual, and aesthetic judgment. These tradition alists argue for an undergraduate curriculum that emphasizes a core of knowledge that lies within the Western, cultural tradition. Most colleges and universities in the United States and Canada offer some courses that focus on traditional Western culture in addition to others that explore multicultural themes.