
Production, in economics, means all those activities of mankind that have to do with the creation of wealth, i.e. with making raw materials useful so that to (0) A. human wants.
The farmer makes use of the (19) of nature to grow wheat. The miller (20) the wheat into flour. And the (21) turns flour into bread. These producers, each in his own way, (22) form utility to goods. Another class of producers, who transport goods from place to place, add place utility to goods. A third class, who do such things like canning, storage, and refrigeration, add (23) utility.
Although businessmen think of them as marketing, economists regard the creation of time and place utilities (24) a part of production because, until goods are made (25) at the right time and place, they can not satisfy human wants.
Production is (26) to satisfy human wants, and the ability to produce is (27) by three basic factors necessary for production. These three basic factors of production are capital, land and labour. Capital (28) to man-made resources that are used to produce other goods and services. Land, which includes natural resources, is the non-human non-man-made part of resources. Labour is the human part--the service given by people in the process of production.
These three primary factors of production are sometimes added a fourth: the entrepreneur or enterpriser, who (29) the forces of production and takes the risks. (30) under capitalism production is for a market, an important role of the entrepreneur is to predict (31) the economic demand for goods and to produce the (32) and quantity of goods that will (33) that demand.


