单项选择题A.the worry about terrorist attack was totally unnecessaryB.the government had been well prepared for possible security problemC.the government bad been too optimistic about its anti-terrorism effortsD.the legislators usually could do nothing except making empty talks
单项选择题A.act more politely thanB.act more rudely thanC.act just in a same way asD.hate to stay with
单项选择题A.smart kids should be allowed to skip grades for further developmentB.children should stay within the same group, however smart they may beC.parents’ complaints are important in deciding grade skippingD.children can skip piano class, but not reading or algebra class
单项选择题A.paying too little attention to this issueB.following the US too closelyC.too much confidence about its own abilityD.lack of experience of terrorist attack
单项选择题A.explore how nose worksB.find ways to treat deformed nosesC.study the relation between nostrils and smelling powerD.find ways to deal with smelling problems