
C Reading is the key to success. Apparently every successful person develops a passion for reading this is because reding is a key elemengt to obtain the information required to understand something For instance lanyers have to study and learn every established law on their specific branches. Sometimes the law changes according to people’s needs. A good lawyer has to be informed with the latest news in the court . A doctor has to be informed of the latest advances in medicine. Reading is very important for all mankind Everything is relatve in this world especially reading. Reading can open many doors and it can lead you into a pathof success studes have confirmed that reading to your unborn child is very good this way your child will develop a passinon for reading later o. How do you develop a passion for readingthere is only one way you can boost your passion for reading. Let me explain this to you If you want to learn how to ride abike, you have to get on the bike as many times as possible. Untily you have learned. If works the same way with reading If you want to boost your reading, take a book and read it all the way through when you finish reading your first book, take another book and do the same Try to read as much as you can. If you are going out,grab a magazine, a book, an article or something to read. There is a very important factor behing the reading reading comprehension. It’s what makes you understand the meaning behind the text. Let’s assume that you read a document and you are supposed a explain the meaning of the meaning of the document How would you expain the document, if you could’t capture the message of the author The all thor develops the passage mainly by ( )

A.presenting opinions and giving examples
B.Following the nature time Drder.
C.Comparing the opinions of different people.
D.Presenting a cause and analying its effects.