单项选择题A.denied that U. S. soldiers were to blame for their abuse of prisoners in IraqB.refused to admit that it was an error to launch the war on IraqC.made an apology for American soldiers’ abuse of prisoners in IraqD.required Jordan to give help in fighting against terrorism
单项选择题A.forms OWl and OW5B.forms OW21 and OW22C.forms OWl and OW21D.forms OW5 and OW22
单项选择题A.Non-resident students are not entitled to work.B.One will be prosecuted if he works without permission.C.Working without permission is regarded as a criminal offence in Britain.D.Overseas students have to fill out the OWl if they want to get permission to work.
单项选择题A.25 poundsB.passportC.two passport-sized photographsD.the form OWl