
Write the article. Run for classes. Haven’ t finished the readings. House cleaning. Assignmentto (1) in two hours. Out of breath, time, and still late. That’s been me for the past three weeks. And then yesterday, as my fingers (2) hit thekeyboard, I (3) to look outside. Through the half open blinds of my kitchen window, I caughtthe bright glow(光线) of sunshine(4)through the freshly cleaned air and shining(5)theyellow-green leaves of a tree. It could have been the four days of continual rain and gray gloomyskies, or my own self, (6)endless activity. I don’t know what it was, (7)I just sat therelooking at the dancing sunrays. Not a (8) in my head. No crowded feelings of approaching work, or people or even friends. Just watching. I felt my body (9) And after a long time ... felt calm. The break passed. I went back to my (10) But something about the rhythm of the day (11) . It was the difference between rushing to catch the bus and riding on your own horse. Later that evening, I (12) how we’ d come to inhabit ( 居住 ) a place where rest and moments of peace were means to be (13) If you weren’ t tired out, overworked or well near(14) --you didn’ t (15) to enjoy moments of peace. (16)me of the poem Leisure, written by W.H. Davies in the early 20th century. It is more More (17) today than ever before. No time to stand beneath the boughs(树干), And stare as long as sheep and cows. No time to see the woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. And then we’ re(18)as to why as a creature we’ re so upset. If we can’ t be (19)with ourselves, how can we hope to find a common (20) we can inhabit with others


