A.They are stored in the database. B.They are stored in local Forms memory. C.The type is specified explicitly at design time. D.The type is implied by when and how it is created.
A.Hide Keys B.Show Menu Keys C.Hide Menu Keys D.Display in 'Keyboard Help' E.Hide Keys Description
A.Open the form module property palette and set the Cursor Style property. B.From the Tools menu, select Preferences-->Runtime Settings. C.Use the GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY and SET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY built-ins. D.You cannot change the cursor style.
单项选择题YoucreateapackagethatcontainsPL SQLvariablesthatmustbesharedamongseveralformsintheTravelapplication.Youplacethepackageinalibraryandattachthelibrarytoalltheformsthat needtosharethedata.WhichparameterintheOPEN_FORMbuilt-inmustyousettoensurethatchangesmadebyoneformarevisibletotheotherformsintheapplication?()
A.data_mode B.paramlist C.query_mode D.session_mode
A.windows B.parameters C.object groups D.report objects E.visual attributes
A.It is created as a nondisplay item. B.The Lock Record property is set to Yes. C.It cannot be referenced in item level triggers. D.It is placed on the canvas with the highest sequence number.