You are required to configure a SCREEN option that enables IP source route option detection. Which two configurations meet this requirement?()
单项选择题You must configure a SCREEN option that would protect your device from a session table flood.Which configuration meets this requirement?()
单项选择题PriortoapplyingSCREENoptionstodroptraffic,youwanttodeterminehowyourconfigurationwillaffect traffic.Whichmechanismwouldyouconfiguretoachievethisobjective?()
A.the log option for the particular SCREEN option B.the permit option for the particular SCREEN option C.the SCREEN option, because it does not drop traffic by default D.the alarm-without-drop option for the particular SCREEN option
A.zones on which an attack might arrive B.zones you want to protect from attack C.interfaces on which an attack might arrive D.interfaces you want to protect from attack
单项选择题AnattackersendsalowrateofTCPSYNsegmentstohosts,hopingthatatleastoneportreplies.Which typeofanattackdoesthisscenariodescribe?()
A.DoS B.SYN flood C.port scanning D.IP address sweep
A.DoS B.exploit C.propagation D.port scanning E.reconnaissance