A. The vendor documentation and knowledgebase B. Compliance of local laws C. Server performance statistics D. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer output
A. Ensure that server baselines are documented for each server. B. Ensure that all server documentation is completed and up to date. C. Ensure that each server is accessible via a KVM over IP. D. Ensure that each server is processed through the change control board.
A. Humidity monitors, Biometrics, and fire suppression B. Cooling, rack space, and power requirements冷 C. Service level agreements, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) deployment, and CCTV D. Biometrics, fire suppression, and power requirements
A. It lets the administrator know which hardware will work with a particular OS. B. It sets the bare minimum hardware requirements for specified software. C. It allows the administrator to verify software compatibility amongst various vendors. D. It verifies that hardware is fit for certain overclocking performance metrics.
A. A document stating the impact analysis of a nonfunctional server. B. A contract that details the device replacement time frames. C. A contract that details the correct equipment disposal laws. D. A statement of compliance with local laws and regulations.
A. Test the disaster recovery plan process B. Identify key disaster recovery personnel C. Ensure that all backup data is kept off-site D. Assist management with IT backup policy decisions