A. There are some saws in my toolbox. B. There are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox. C. There are some spanners in my toolbox. D. There are some tools in my toolbox.
单项选择题螺旋桨有四个桨叶。 ()
A. The helm has four blades. B. The propeller has forty blades. C. The windlass has four blades. D. The propeller has four blades.
A. The deck from bow to stern is called the main deck. B. The deck from stern to bow is called the tweendeck. C. The deck from bow to stern is called the upper deck. D. The deck from stern to bow is called the lower deck.
单项选择题底漆用于出白金属表面, 防止其生锈。()
A. Topside paint is applied to a bare surface to give protective against rust. B. Undercoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust. C. Primer coat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust. D. Topcoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust.
A. Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer. B. Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper. C. Heavy rust is removed with a scraper. D. Loose paint and scale are removed with a chipping hammer.
A. Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper. B. Heavy rust is removed with a scraper. C. Loose paint and scale is removed with a chipping hammer. D. Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.