setting redundant components in subsystem to handle with the risks brought by the defaults of original components,what kind of risk response strategy is this?()
A、risk avoidance B、risk acceptance C、risk mitigation D、contingency plan
单项选择题analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a()process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome(product or service)should conform.
A、persistent B、continuing C、permanent D、continuous
单项选择题Requirements management is the process of ()
A、communicating B、collecting C、filing D、documenting
单项选择题all of the following tools and techniques are helpful to acurately confirming customers needs except ()
A、questionnaires B、prototyping approaches C、fishbone diagrams D、interviews
单项选择题all of the following are function of crm system except ()
A、automation procurement B、automation sales C、automation marketing D、automation customer service
单项选择题某部门聘请了30位专家评选最佳项目,甲、乙、丙、丁四个项目申报参选。各位专家经过仔细考察后都在心目中确定了各自对这几个项目的排名顺序,如下表: 其中,有3人将甲排在第1,将乙排在第4,将丙排在第2,将丁排在第3;一次类推。 如果完全按上表投票选择最佳项目,那么显然,甲项目能得票9张,乙项目能得票8张,丙项目能得票7张,丁项目能得票6张,从而可以选出最佳项目甲。但在投票前,丙项目负责人认为自己的项目评上的希望不大,宣布放弃参选。这样,投票将只对甲、乙、丁三个项目进行,而各位专家仍按自己心目中的排名(只是删除了项目丙)进行投票。投票的结果使评出了最佳项目()
A、甲 B、乙 C、丁 D、乙和丁