A.<WAS_installdir>\logs\log.txt B.<WC_installdir>\logs\install_date_time.log C.<WAS_installdir>\logs\<WC_instance_name>\SystemOut.log D.<WC_installdir>\instances\<instance_name>\xml\<instance_name>.xml E.<WAS_installdir>\logs\serverStatus.log
单项选择题AftercreatingaWebSphereCommerceinstance,anadministratorattemptstologontotheWebSphereCommerceAdministrationConsole.Thebrowserreportsa 500InternalServerError .Whatcouldcausethistooccur?()
A.The web server was not started B.The Payments Engine was not started C.The WebSphere Commerce Payments instance was not started D.The WebSphere Commerce application server was not started E.The Configuration Manager service was not started
A.The installation log files B.The Commerce tools can be launched and logged into properly C.User ’wpadmin’ has been created D.The structure of the installation directory E.The WebSphere Application Server database schema
A.In the WebSphere Commerce instance configuration file B.In the Password Manager database C.In the WebSphere Commerce database D.In the WebSphere Application Server repository E.In the Password Manager XML file
A.DataSource B.Virtual Hosts C.Server Group D.The selected JDBC Driver E.Remote Servlet Redirector
A.The Database Update Tool found in Configuration Manager B.The LDAP Server C.The WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console D.The WebSphere Commerce SecurityUpdate Command E.The WebSphere Commerce Administration Console