An administrator attempted to run a sar -u report and received the following error: sar: 0551-201 Cannot open /var/adm/sa/sa07. Which of the following should be scheduled in adm’s crontab to obtain sar reports?()
A.sa1 B.sar C.vmtune D.schedtune
单项选择题A system administrator periodically receives calls from users who complain about poor performance with their application. Use the following sar command output to answer the question: Which of the following system resources need more investigation?()
A.CPUs B.Disk C.Memory D.NetworkX
单项选择题A system administrator ran the vmstat command because of performance problems. The output of the vmstat is given: Based on the output, which of the following is insufficient?()
A.Disk B.CPU C.Memory D.NetworkX
A.CPU B.Disk C.Memory D.NetworkX
A.errpt B.syslog C.prtdiag D.errlogger
A.Remove the physical volume from the system. B.Remove the physical volume from the volume group. C.Remove the physical partitions from the volume group. D.Remove the logical volume copies from the failing drive.