A.planning B.change C.improvement D.communication
单项选择题()is the process of identifying individual project risks as well as source of overall project risk, and documenting their characteristics.
A.identify risks B.monitor risks C.impIement risks responses D.plan risk management
单项选择题the () is a graph that shows the relationship between two variables.
A.histograms B.flowcharts C.matrix diagrams D.Scatter diagrams
单项选择题()seek to perform root cause investigation as to what is Ieading identified trends.
A.incident management B.problem management C.change management D.knowledge management
单项选择题()contributes to monitoring and data collection by defining security monitoring and date collection requirements.
A.information continuity management B.information catalogue management C.information security management D.information distribution management
A.GB/T指推荐性国家标准 B.强制性标准的形式包含全文强制和条文强制 C.国家标准一般有效期为3年 D.国家标准的制定过程包括立项、起草、征求意见、审查、批准等阶段