未分类题In asserting that the organic model might be 'more serviceable to the restoratioulsts' (ParA.3), the author implies that______.A.the descriptions by Turner and Jordan of the restorationists program conform. more closely to the organic model than to the community-participation modelB.the organic model is more consistent than the community-participation model with the principle of restorationC.the organic model is more consistent with the restorationists' agenda than with the preservationists' programD.holistic models are more useful to the restorationists than is the dualist model
单项选择题各类接地可以采用单独的接地线,但接地极和“等电位面”是共用的,不存在不同接地系统接地导体之间的耦合问题,也避免了采用不同接地导体时产生的电位不同问题。 A、正确 B、错误
判断题目标的设置最好是既高于当前的状态一点,又不能太高,属于自己跳一跳就可以达到的水平。( )正确错误
未分类题假定有下面的程序段: For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To i For k=j To 3 Print'i=';i,'j=';j,'k=';k Next k Next j Next i 这是一个三重循环程序,在这个程序中,外层、中层和内层循环的循环次数是D.3、9和18
未分类题下列程序段的执行结果为 a='ABBACDDCBA' For I=6 To 2 Step-2 x=Mid(a,I,I) y=Leh(a,I) z=Right(a,I) z=x & y & z Next I Print zD.ABBABA