
Dream Functions   Dreaming is a common phenomenon. Practically all people dream, although whether they can (1)________them is a different matter. (1)________   An experiment eliciting people’s responses to the question ’What did you dream about last night shows the (2)________of the activity. It is (2)________ found that everyone in normal health spends part of their night dreaming and there are many different (3)________of dream performing (3)________ different functions.   The first function of dreams is that of the experience-(4)________, i.e. (4)________ the mind reviews past experience and learns the lesson of that experience. Often the dream representsa more, or less, (5)_______course (5)________ of action or outcome than the real event. The second function of dreams is the (6)________type. They help to (6)________ solve problems by suggesting answers, or (7)________difficulties and (7)________ indicating a way round them.   The third function is that of wish (8)________. In our dreams we (8)________ satisfy desires whose gratification is denied to us.   Dreams also function to (9)________us to some external reality,   (9)________ usually by some sensory stimulus.   The final, and the most (10)________one, is the predictive function.   (10)________ Throughout the ages men have believed that future events will be predicted in dreams.   We are not clear whether these are all the functions that dreams may have.

