
Column A: techniques used in Direct Method
①question and answer exercises
②error correction
④listening comprehension tasks
⑤graded composition
Column B: the purpose
a. to consolidate and evaluate what the learner has learned
b. to reinforce and test what the learner has learned
c. to have the newly-introduced language items fully understood by the students
d. to establish a favorable classroom climate
e. to ensure that the students have the correct pronunciation and grammar


①c ②e ③b ④d ⑤a[解析] ①c:问答练习(Question and answer exercises)中,教师回答学生的提问,或让学生用完整的句子来回答教师的提问,目的是使学生能完全理解新讲的语言材料。
②e:纠正错误(Error correction)中,教师要及时纠正学生的......

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