
In the office of a (1)______,a young man is regarded as the subject of an experiment in (1)______
hypnosis: rushing about a small room, hiding himself behind a chair jumping on the desk,(2)_____ (2)______
the air with his pencil. Why is he so strange Because a fierce dog is at large in the room as the
psychologist suggested
What hypnosis is. We must know the differences between the (3)______and the hypnotized (3)______
person. First, the sleepwalker pays no attention to other people and does not take (4)______Sec- (4)______
ond, the sleepwalker does not remember sleepwalking, while the hypnotized person remembers
everything that went on under hypnosis.
Obviously, sleep and hypnosis are very different states of (5)______. But what exactly is (5)______
hypnosis After years of (6)______with hypnotism psychologists still do not have a firm answer to (6)______
this question.
Many people are (7)______with the process by which a person becomes hypnotized. The (7)______
hypnotist induces a sleep-like condition by slowly (8)______the subject to relax and focus on the (8)______
hypnotist’s suggestions. In hypnosis a subject often finds it easy to (9)______past events. Some (9)______
doctors use information gained this way in treating mental illness. A hypnotized person is not asleep.
At present scientists agree that a hypnotized person is more (10)______than usual. (10)______

