
Humans are forever forgetting that they can't control naturE.Exactly 20 years ago, a Time magazine cover story announced that 'scientists are on the verge of being able to predict the time, place, and even the size of earthquakes.' The people of the quake-hit area, Kobe learned last week how wrong that the claim was.
None of the methods worked out two decades ago can give a uniform. warning before the quakes, let alone discover any sign that would tell whether the coming earthquake is mild or a killer. Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors, says Hiroo Kanamori, an expert at the California Institute of Technology. So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossiblE.One reason is that earthquakes start deep in the earth, so scientists can't study them directly. If a quake precursor were found, it would still be impossible to warn humans in advance of all dangerous quakes. Places like Japan and California are full of hundreds, if not thousands, of minor faults.
Prediction would be less important if scientists could easily build structures to withstand tremors. While the science has improved dramatically in the past 10 to 15 years, every new quake reveals unexpected weakness in quake-resistant structures, says Terry Tullis, a geophysicist at Brown University.
In Kobe, for example, a highway that opened only last year was damageD.In the Northridge earthquake, on the other hand, well-built structures generally did not collapsE.
A recent report in Science adds yet more anxiety about life on the faulty lines. Researchers ran computer simulations(模拟) to see how quake-resistant buildings would fall in a moderate-size earthquake, taking into account that much of a quake's energy travels in a large 'pulse' of focused shaking. The results: both steel-framE.buildings and buildings that sit on insulating(隔离的) rubber pads suffered severe damagE.
More research will help experts design stronger structures and possibly find quake precursors, but it is still a certainty that the next earthquake will prove once again that every fault cannot be monitored and every high way cannot be completely quake prooF.
We can infer from the first paragraph that______.
A.scientists can never predict earthquakes
B.the ability to predict earthquakes is overstated
C.quite a few scientific claims are groundless
D.earthquake predictions are accurate



解析:推断题。根据文章第一段最后一句话:The people of the quake hit area,Kobe learned last week how wrong that the claim was.我们可以推断科学家们所宣称的可以预测地震的发生时间、地点以及规模的说法是不正确...

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未分类题More and more of us are (1)_____ the TV networks. That's not news, of course; there have been countless stories on their (2)_____ audiencE.But I didn't realize how far out! had dropped (3)_____ I glanced at the Nielsen ratings of the top 71 shows. Of those 71 programs, I had not watched (4)_____ onE.(5)_____, I could count only five that I had ever seen in my entire lifE.And of those five, there isn't one I watch (6)_____.Despite its popularity, I don't like happy family shows. They're (7)_____. If I watch a family show, I prefer something lifelike, such as 'Death' of a Salesman.'(8)_____ the second-rated program, 'A Different World,' I've never heard of it. If I want to see a different (9)_____, I'll drive to the west side of Chicago.I (10)_____ watch' Cheers,' which is still (11)_____ the top ten, but gave it up after Diana left and Sam began lusting after a career-crazed yuppiE.Am I the only person in America who has never watched a segment of 'Dallas'? A while ago, I recall somebody important was killed on the 'last (12)_____ of the season and almost everybody in America was caught up in the hypE.I watched wrestling that night; I'll bet the acting was (13)_____.It's not (14)_____ I'm snobbish—I enjoy TV (15)_____ as much as the next sloB.But the (16)_____ of truly trashy trash has declineD.I was one of the first writers in America to recognize the greatness of Robin Leach's 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.' So, what do I watch? I still turn to the networks, (17)_____ I have learned to exploit and cheat them. For example, I like football, but seldom watch it (18)_____. In stead, I (19)_____ it and later play it back an my VCR, fast-forwarding through all the commercials, the announcers' babble, the half-time drivel and even the huddles. I also watched movies, but only on some cable channels, (20)_____ the networks.A.turning outB.turning intoC.turning downD.turning up
