In dealing with students at the high school level that is, the second, the third and fourth year of high school-we must bear in mind that to some degree they are at a difficult psychological stage, generally called adolescence. Students at this level are likely to be (S1) mentally, to be subject to involuntary distractions and romantic dreaminess. They are basically shy or (S2) . They lack frankness and are usually very sensitive but hate to admit it. Fundamentally they want to be kept busy but they (S3) to admit it. They are frequently the victims of earlier poor (S4) , and this makes every effort doubly hard. They are usually willing to work, but they hate to work without (S5) the results they think they should. Their critical faculties are beginning to develop and they are critical of their instructors and of the (S6) they are given to learn.
They are beginning to feel the pressure of time; and although they (S7) say so, they really want to be consulted and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs, but they need considerable guidance. (S8) , but if it is intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm. If they are healthy they are capable of long periods of concentration and an extraordinary amount of work. They are trying, most of them, to form political ideas and (S9) blindly accepting what their fathers and grandfathers believed in. It is in this period that students can be most easily and permanently influenced. It is the period in which they form strong attachments for their teachers. Their outlook on life is usually extremely exaggerated. They are either far too modest or boastful. (S10) . Of all periods of life, this is what may best be called the "plastic age". S7