
Last week was Road Safety Week at Jason"s school. All the students took part in a talk on road safety which was g 1 by a police officer. The following is what the police officer said.
"Most traffic accidents shouldn"t happen. They happen to because people were c 2 . some people drove too quickly. This means that if they have to stop s 3 , they can"t stop quickly enough to avoid h 4 others. You need to remember that you are crossing the street."
"Does a 5 of you ride a bike Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing direction suddenly or w 6 warning others. B 7 you turn left, for example, you should cheek behind you to make sure there aren"t any cars, trucks or buses coming at f 8 . Then, you should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left. You s 9 turn it until the stress is clear."
"The r 10 of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey them, we shouldn"t have accidents any more."




