
Finally, the fourth, or adjustment, phase occurs when you feel that you function weal and almost automatically in tile new culture. You no longer need to make mental conversions of tile country’s money ;you know where services are located and how to use them; you understand some of the customs that accompany ordinary life, and it is relatively easy for you to adjust to them. A greater enjoyment of the new experience is now possible, and you may regain some of the initial positive regard you had in the honeymoon stage. If you stay long enough un a visit from a big city to a small town, or, the other way round, you may2 become so well adapted to the new environment that when you return to your original home, you will again experience culture shock. For some people, it may take several days to readjust, depending on the length of time they were away. Usual ]y, however, since you are in your home culture, your shock wears off faster than the shock that you experienced in the new culture.



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