单项选择题A.Energy conservation.B.A new kind of transportation.C.Strip cities.D.Advantages o air transportation over rail roads.
单项选择题A.She felt proud.B.She felt satisfied.C.She felt delighted.D.She felt surprised.
单项选择题A.He is very quiet.B.He gives amusing lectures.C.He should give more than one series of talks.D.He lectures only to the serious students.
单项选择题A.The woman is upset because she didn’t pass the examination.B.The woman doesn’t hope for a promotion ....C.The man gets used to counting on the woman.D.The man thinks that the women should be promoted.
单项选择题A.She prefers the job where he could travel a lot.B.She prefers the job where she could make good money.C.She prefers the job where she could meet international business people.D.She prefers the job that would give her lots of chances of promotion.