
Museums are, like everything else, products of history. They have all changed a great deal over time and can change again. They need to. Museums spring, essentially, from the Enlightenment. The British Museum was founded in 1753, a century-and-a-half after Galileo, but a hundred years before Darwin. The rapidly accumulating collections in the world’ s first public museums were a by-product of the birth of modern science, when researchers made discoveries by building collections—a devil’s toenail, for example, entered museums as an object of wonder only later to be re-labeled as the fossil of an extinct oyster.
In our post-Enlightenment age, the visible world has lost much of its mystery (which is perhaps why we care so little for it). Collecting is no longer a key method of research. Nor might so many people have visited museums in the past if they had been able to hop on a plane to see a kangaroo for themselves, or buy a book of color reproductions of Japanese prints, or watch, from the comfort of a couch, a computer simulation of a dinosaur sinking its teeth into its latest victim. Hence museum curators cannot go on running their museums as if the world hasn’t changed. Yet many operate as if the last eddies of the Enlightenment still lapped through their galleries and stores.



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问答题外来移民难道真的是欧洲社会难以摆脱的失业和高犯罪率的罪魁祸首吗 今天的欧洲或许算是一方乐土,吸引着非洲;亚洲、南美洲的许多年轻人背井离乡到这里来谋生求发展。更重要的是,西欧今天已经离不开移民。移民的到来对欧洲的经济社会发展,甚至改善欧洲人口年龄结构,起着不可忽视的作用。 今日,西欧国家均面临着一个严峻的挑战,即随着欧盟经济的恢复,人口老龄化的加快,欧洲的劳动力日益短缺,弥补的办法只有一个——引进移民。2000年3月联合国人口机构发表的一份报告对欧洲颇具震撼力,报告称:由于出生率的降低和平均寿命的延长,25年后,欧洲将近一半的人口将是退休者。欧洲将成为名副其实的旧大陆。谁来填补这个人口赤字谁来为欧洲工作 答案是显而易见的。德国议会调查委员会称:移民的贡献使欧洲人口年轻化和更加充满活力。

外来移民难道真的是欧洲社会难以摆脱的失业和高犯罪率的罪魁祸首吗 今天的欧洲或许算是一方乐土,吸引着非洲;亚洲、南美洲的许多年轻人背井离乡到这里来谋生求发展。更重要的是,西欧今天已经离不开移民。移民的到来对欧洲的经济社会发展,甚至改善欧洲人口年龄结构,起着不可忽视的作用。
今日,西欧国家均面临着一个严峻的挑战,即随着欧盟经济的恢复,人口老龄化的加快,欧洲的劳动力日益短缺,弥补的办法只有一个——引进移民。2000年3月联合国人口机构发表的一份报告对欧洲颇具震撼力,报告称:由于出生率的降低和平均寿命的延长,25年后,欧洲将近一半的人口将是退休者。欧洲将成为名副其实的旧大陆。谁来填补这个人口赤字谁来为欧洲工作 答案是显而易见的。德国议会调查委员会称:移民的贡献使欧洲人口年轻化和更加充满活力。


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