

Everyone gets angry sometimes, but being angry doesn’t really solve much. Your goal is to calm yourself down. This is (1) for some people. Instead of calming down, they might get more and more upset (2) they explode like a volcano. Some people might say they have trouble (3) their temper. Sometimes angry feelings can be hard to (4) . So what do you do if your temper is like a volcano.’
Well, the good news is (5) people don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again. You can train your temper. Here are steps you can (6) at any time.
Get a lot of (7) activity. Exercise can be good because it is a way of (8) energy and stress. You can dance around your room (9) your favorite music, too.
Talk to your mom or dad. If you’re having trouble with your temper, tell your parents you’re trying to do a (10) job of controlling yourself. Let them know you are going to ask for their help.
Put (11) into words. Get into the habit of saying what you are feeling and why. (12) using words might help you manage your strong feelings and behaviors.
Take a break from the (13) . If you are in an argument with someone, go to another part of your house. You can just say,"I want to be (14) for a while so I can calm down. "
Go into a (15) . If you feel angry and think you need a timeout to calm down, don’t (16) your parents to tell you to take a timeout for yourself. Let your family know that when you’re taking a timeout, they need to (17) your space and leave you alone. While you are sitting in your chair, try to take deep (18)
Learn to shift. The idea is to shift from a really angry mood to a better mood. After you (19) the angry feelings out, you have to start thinking about other things, You can say,"I (20) my temper, but I’m going to get myself under control now. \
