未分类题The author's tone in talking about fire ants in the US seems to beD.objectivE.
未分类题Which of the following is NOT a reason for Britain's aggressiveness in the public-health campaign?A.The government is frustrated in curing smoking-related diseases.B.The government is keen on eliminating social unfairness.C.The free health service proves very expensivE.D.The gap between the rich and the poor is very big.
未分类题The writer's main purpose in paragraph 6 is to argue thatA.people in developed countries generally have more impact on nature than others.B.Japanese children are generally better than children born in IndiA.C.Japanese children consume too much of the world's resources.D.people from some countries are more selfish than others in their consumption of resources.
未分类题The word 'diversity' in the last paragraph meansD.distinction.
单项选择题文献综述一般包括题名、著者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献等6部分。 A、正确 B、错误
未分类题The word 'Sunset' in the title of this novel most 'probably meansA.the end of the heroine's lifE.B.the end of the story.C.the end of the traditional way of lifE.D.the end of the day.
未分类题Sunspots are cooler than the rest of the sun's surface becauseA.they produce less energy.B.they are buried in the sun.C.they are faraway from magnetic fields.D.they are close to magnetic fields.
单项选择题“二虎”守长安的意义在于,拖住了北洋军阀镇嵩军部队,使吴佩孚无法从西北取得增援,并使其武汉溃败后企图据守洛阳的梦想归于破灭,战略上策应了北伐战争。( )
多项选择题某房地产开发公司于2006年7月取得某市5000m2商业用地40年期国有土地使用权。2007年2月,开发完成工程进度的90%,在取得房地产预售许可证后,开发商与某超市签订了为期5年的租赁协议,其中租金约低于市场租金15%。该商业项目预计于2007年12月开发完成。现因资金短缺,开发公司拟利用该地块土地使用权向金融机构进行融资,委托某土地评估公司进行评估。经土地估价师调查,该地块周围类似商业用房多以出租方式经营,年租金水平为600元 m2。该市银行一年期贷款利率为6%,风险调整值一般取2%。另外该市于2004年完成了基准地价评估工作。就上述内容,回答下列小题的问题。该房地产开发公司取得该块国有土地使用权的方式可能是( )。