多项选择题某项目净现金流量见表5-3。投资主体设定的基准收益率为8%,基准静态投资回收期为3年。由此可以得到的结论有( )。A.项目投资利润率为50%B.项目财务净现值约为74.82万元C.项目静态投资回收期为2.67年D.项目财务内部收益率大于8%E.从静态投资回收期判断,该项目可行
单项选择题花朵、叶片等植物材料运用粘贴技法,用热胶粘接,常用于创造不同的纹理与质感,使造型画面丰富。 A、正确 B、错误
未分类题From the missionary's manuscript. we may infer that ______.A.the great signal drums were very popular thereB.people there were hostile to the European strangersC.the Amazon River area was densely populated thenD.the tribes along the river were always at odds
单项选择题熊彼特认为:引入一种新产品或者新的特性被成为( )。 A 产品创新 B 工艺创新 C 开发新的资源创新 D 市场创新