A.chfs B.fsck C.chlv D.defragfs
单项选择题Asystemadministratorhasincreasedthesizethelogicalvolumelv00.Theadministratornowwantstoenlargethefilesystem fs00thatismountedonlv00tothesamesizethatlv00currentlyis.Whichofthefollowingcommandswillshowtheadministratorthenumberofblockstousewhenincreasingthesizeofthefilesystem fs00?()
A.lslv /fs00 B.lsfs -q /fs00 C.lsdev -Cc lv00 D.lsattr -El lv00
单项选择题The system administrator wants to use a new jfslog dev fs1log with the filesystem test fs1 on the testvg volume group. The following commands were used to create the log and assign it to the filesystem: (1)mklv -t jfslog -y dev fs1log testvg 1 (2)chfs -a log= dev fs1log test fs1 While trying to mount the test fs1 filesystem the administrator received the error: Cannot mount dev fs1lv on test fs1: A system call received a parameter that is not valid . What step did the administrator miss that most likely caused the error?()
A.Use the logform command to format /dev/fs1log as a jfslog B.Use the chlv command to change the lv type of /dev/fs1log to jfslog C.Use the chvg command to change the default jfslog of testvg to /dev/fs1log D.Edit the /etc/filesystems file to change the log associated with /test/fs1 to /dev/fs1log
单项选择题Whileusingthesmitinstall_removemenustoremovesomefilesetsthesystemadministratornoticesthe usrfilesystemisnowunnecessarilylarge.Whichofthefollowingactionswillreducethesizeofthe usrfilesystem?()
A.Backup, unmount, remove, recreate and restore the filesystem. B.Boot from mksysb tape and select Shrink filesystems on restore. C.Unmount, run defragfs /usr and the reducefs -size XXX /usr commands. D.Update /etc/filesystems with the desired size for /usr and reboot the system.
单项选择题Asystemadministratorhasdeterminedthatthe developmentfilesystemneedstobechangedfromJFStoJFS2totakeadvantageofthenewcapabilitesavailableinJFS2.Whatisthemethodtoconvertthe developmentfilesystemfromtypeJFStoJFS2?()
A.Umount the /development filesystem and remount it using the following command: mount -t jfs2 /development B.Edit the /etc/filesystems file to change the type paramter to "jfs2" and change the log parameter to "jfs2log" C.Backup the /development filesystem data, delete the JFS /development filesystem, create the new JFS2 /development filsystem, and restore the data to the /development filesystem D.Backup the /development filesystem data, change the /development filesystem using the following command,chfs -t type=jfs2 /development.then, restore the data to the /development filesystem
A.lspv -l B.lslv -p C.lsps -a D.lsvg -m