A. stars B. celestial bodies C. the sun D. the moon
单项选择题The telegraph is the()(设备)that connects the engine room and the bridge.
A.gear B.equipment C.engine D.sextant
单项选择题The captain wants to see the ().
A. chief officer B. second officer C. third officer D. carpenter
单项选择题Echo sounder sends a() (无线电信号)from the bottom of the ship to the seabed.
A. radio signal B. radio wave C. signal D. signal radio
单项选择题Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度).
A.visibility B.VHF C.visible D.compass
单项选择题Navigators use navigational aids, such as()(罗经).
A.sextant B.binoculars C.compass D.loran