
Many of the conditions that______population pressures—overcrowding, unemployment, poverty, hunger and illness—lead to dissatisfaction.
A.bring forward
B.give rise to
C.feed up with
D.result from




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未分类题There is a closer relationship between morals and architecture and interior decoration【C1】______we suspect.Huxley has pointed out that Western ladies did not take frequent baths【C2】______they were afraid to see their own naked bodies,and this moral concept delayed the【C3】______of the modern white-enameled bathtub for centuries.One can understand Why in the design of old Chinese furniture there was so little consideration for human【C4】______only when we realize the Confucian atmosphere in which people moved about.Chinese redwood furniture was designed for people to sit upright in, because that was the only posture approved by society.Even Chinese emperors had to sit on a(n)【C5】______on which I would not think of remaining for more than five minutes, and for that matter the English kings were just as badly off.Cleopatra went about【C6】______on a couch carried by servants, because apparently she had never heard of Confucius.If Confucius should have seen her doing that, he would certainly have struck her shins with a stick, as he did【C7】______one of his old disciples, Yuan Jiang, when the latter was found sitting in an incorrect posture.In the Confucian society in which we lived, gentlemen and ladies had to【C8】______themselves perfectly erect, at least on formal【C9】______, and any sign of putting ones leg up would be at once considered a sign of vulgarity and lack of【C10】______.【C1】A.forB.thanC.asD.that