A. one-way latency of 150 ms to 200 ms B. jitter of 30 ms or less C. packet loss of 2 percent or less D. 150bps of overhead bandwidth
单项选择题TheCiscoMDS9000SeriesMultilayerSANSwitchescanhelplowerthetotalcostofownershipofthemostdemandingstorageenvironments.Bycombiningarobustandflexiblehardwarearchitecturewithmultiplelayersofnetworkandstorage-managementintelligence,theCiscoMDS 9000Serieshelpsyoubuildhighlyavailable,scalablestoragenetworkswithadvancedsecurityandunifiedmanagement.WhatmethoddoestheCiscoMDS9000Seriesusetosupporttrunking?()
A. ISL B. VLAN Trunk C. VoQ D. Enhanced ISL
A. RSVP itself provides bandwidth and delay guarantees. B. For RSVP to be end-to-end, all devices must support RSVP. C. RSVP reservations are maintained by a centralized reservations server. D. An RSVP compatible QoS mechanism must be used to implement guarantees according to RSVP reservations.
A. supports multiple protocols B. works only in a shared or loop environment C. allows addressing for up to 4 million nodes D. provides a high speed transport for SCSI payloads
单项选择题WhatisoneofthereasonsthatcustomQoSACLsarerecommendedoverautomaticQoSwhen configuringportsonaCatalyst6500forusewithIPphones?()
A. 79xx IP phones do not automatically mark voice packets with non-zero DSCP values. B. 79xx IP phones do not mark protocol packets such as DHCP, DNS, or TFTP with non-zero DSCP values. C. 79xx IP phones do not mark voice packets with optimal DSCP values. D. 79xx IP phones use a custom protocol to communicate CDP information to the switch.
单项选择题VLANTagging,alsoknownasFrameTagging,isamethoddevelopedbyCiscotohelpidentify packetstravellingthroughtrunklinks.WhenanEthernetframetraversesatrunklink,aspecial VLANtagisaddedtotheframeandsentacrossthetrunklink.HowdoesERSusetheVLANtag?()
A. provide service internetworking B. support transparency for Layer 2 frames C. indicate destination as a connection identifier D. map to the DLCI in service internetworking