In order for the RU-486 pill to be approved for use in such nations as the United States, it is necessary that______. A.the drug be proven absolutely safe for human use B.a consensus be reached in the nation regarding the proper usage of such drugs in a moral sense C.influential opposition groups accept it, opening the way for political feasibility D.the question of when life begins be satisfactorily resolved and the current health concerns related to the pill clarified
A. A.the B.a C.influential D.the
D 属信息归纳题。题目中的关键词theUnitedStates出现在第三段第三句:有关长期效果或其他方面的担心,包括政治方面的担心阻止了加拿大、美国这样的国家同意在其境内使用避孕药。第四段指出其他方面的担心就是道德问题,即:生命何时开始,人流算不算谋杀。由此可知,只有解决了这些问题,“人流丸......