A.3000总吨的船,0.2N/mm2 B.4000总吨的船,0.25N/mm2 C.6000总吨的船,0.25N/mm2 D.7000总吨的船,0.3N/mm2
A.驾驶室 B.机舱集控室 C.轮机长室 D.轮机员值班房间 E.船长室 F.水手长储存间
多项选择题“Sewage” as defined in MARPOL Annex IV means:()
A.Drainage and other wastes from any form of toilet and urinals B.Drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc. via wash basin, wash tubsand scuppers located in such premises C.Drainage from spaces containing living animals D.Other waste waters when mixed with the drainage defined above
单项选择题The height of coamings of hatchway above the exposed freeboard deck shall be at least()。
A.900mm B.600mm C.760mm D.450mm
多项选择题Deep-fat cooking equipment shall be fitted with the following:()
A.An automatic or manual fixed extinguishing system tested to an appropriate standardacceptable to the Organization B.Controls for manual operation of the fire-extinguishing system which are clearlylabeled for ready use by the crew C.Arrangements for automatically shutting off the electrical power upon activation of thefire-extinguishing system D.an alarm for indicating operation of the fire-extinguishing system in the galley wherethe equipment is installed
A.IMO号码 B.呼号(callletter) C.船名 D.无需任何更改