A. 银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。 B. 管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。 C. 孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。
单项选择题Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money.这句话的中文意思是()
A. 贵重金属里包括黄金、白银和货币。 B. 诸如黄金和白银等这类贵重金属曾经作为货币使用过。 C. 贵重金属里的黄金、白银都被货币所替代。
判断题Legal protection on a brand comes into force only after registration.
判断题The trademark symbols TM and ? can be exchanged in a brand.
判断题A trademark may be regarded as a protection for a brand name.
判断题According to the writer, it is not necessary for a company to register a trademark,